The gist of Buddha’s teaching---1
Bhikkhu Dhammavaro
Buddharatana Monastery of Australia
1. The four noble truths
It was through the request made by the Brahma Sahampati that the Blessed One decided to teach the Dhamma (Ayacana Sutta), the first discourse in which the Doctrine of the Four Noble Truths was proclaimed to the five ascetics at Isipatana’s Deer Park (Dhamma-cakkapavattana Sutta ).
The four Noble Truths is the central and most important teaching by the Blessed One, these are the true pictures of the world. The Truth of Path leading to the cessation of suffering is the way to Nibbana, but is rarely trotted by the folks, only the wise one can travel this path.
The Buddha’s teaching and path of liberation are contained in the four noble truths. The Buddha is not the inventor of this teaching, he discovered it, and he described it as being an old discarded city with its houses, gardens and avenues all intact. He refers to his teaching like the medicine for the sick. We are tormented by endless suffering, shedding much tear filling the four oceans until they are full to the brim.
The Buddha said: “It's because of not understanding and not penetrating four things that we have wandered and transmigrated on such a long, long time, you and I. Which four?
It's because of not understanding and not penetrating noble virtue (sila) that we have wandered and transmigrated on such a long, long time, you and I.
It's because of not understanding and not penetrating noble concentration (samadhi) that we have wandered and transmigrated on such a long, long time, you and I.
It's because of not understanding and not penetrating noble discernment (pañña) that we have wandered and transmigrated on such a long, long time, you and I.
It's because of not understanding and not penetrating noble release that we have wandered and transmigrated on such a long, long time, you and I.
But when noble virtue is understood and penetrated, when noble concentration... noble discernment... noble release is understood and penetrated, then craving for becoming is destroyed, the guide to becoming (craving and attachment) is ended, there is now no further becoming.” (AN IV.1)
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