Daily Buddhist Prayers 1
Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammā sambuddhassa (X3)
Homage to the Buddha
Honour to Him, the Blessed One, the Worthy One, the fully Enlightened One.
Buddham saranam gacchāmi
Dhammam saranam gacchāmi
Sangham saranam gacchāmi
Dutiyampi Buddham saranam gacchāmi
Dutiyampi Dhammam saranam gacchāmi
Dutiyampi Sangham saranam gacchāmi
Tatiyampi Buddham saranam gacchāmi
Tatiyampi Dhammam saranam gacchāmi
Tatiyampi Sangham saranam gacchāmi
The three refuges
I go to the Buddha for refuge
I go to the Dhamma for refuge
I go to the Sangha for refuge
For the second time, I go to the Buddha for refuge
For the second time, I go to the Dhamma for refuge
For the second time, I go to the Sangha for refuge
For the third time, I go to the Buddha for refuge
For the third time, I go to the Dhamma for refuge
For the third time, I go to the Sangha for refuge
Buddha Vandana
Iti pi so Bhagavā-Araham Sammā-sambuddho.
Vijjā-carana sampanno Sugato Lokavidu Anuttarro
Purisa-damma-sārathi Satthā deva-manussānam
Buddho Bhagavā ti
Recollection of the Buddha
He indeed is the Blessed One: the Holy One, fully enlightened, endowed with clear vision and virtuous conduct, sublime, the knower of the worlds, the incomparable leader of men to be tamed, the teacher of gods and men, He is enlightened and blessed.
Dhamma Vandana
Svākkhāto Bhagavatā Dhammo Sanditthiko Akāliko Ehi-passiko Opanāyiko Paccattam veditabbo viññuhi ti.
Recollection of the Doctrine
The Dhamma of the Blessed One is perfectly expounded; to be seen here and now; bringing immediate good results; inviting one to come and see; leading to Nibbana; to be realized by the wise, each for himself.
Sangha Vandana
Supati-panno Bhagavato sāvaka sangho, Ujupati-panno Bhagavato sāvaka sangho.
Ňāya-patipanno Bhagavato sāvaka sangho. Sāmici-patipanno Bhagavato sāvaka sangho
Yadidam cattãri purisa yugãni attha-purisa-puggalā
Esa Bhagavato sāvaka sangho.
Āhu-neyyo, pāhu-neyyo, Dakkhi-neyyo, añjalikaraniyo,
anuttaram puññakkhetam lokassā ti
Recollection of the Disciples of the Buddha
The Sangha of the Blessed One has entered on the good path; the Sangha of the Blessed One has entered on the direct path; the Sangha of the Blessed One has entered on the correct path, the Sangha of the Blessed One has entered on the proper path, that is to say; the Four Pairs of Men, the Eight Types of Persons; the Sangha of the Blessed One is worthy of gifts, worthy of hospitality, worthy of offerings, and worthy of respect, as the incomparable field of merits for the world.
Protection of the Refuge
Buddhe citta pasadena, dhamma sanghe cayo naro,
kappani sata sahassani, duggatim sona gacchati.
He who takes refuge in the Buddha, the Dhamma (his doctrine) will not be born in a state of suffering for a hundred thousand world cycles.
Cetiya Vandana
Vandāmi cetiyam sabbam
Sabba thānesu patitthitam
Sāririka dhātu mahā bodhim
Buddha rūpam sakalam sadā
Venerating the Cetiya
I salute every Cetiya (shrine),
That stands in any place.
The bodily relics, the Great Bodhi,
And all images of the Buddha.
Bodhi Vandana
Yassa mūle nissinova
sabbāri vijayam akā
Patto sabbaññutam satthā
Vande tam bodhi pādapam
Ime ete mahā bodhi
Loka nāthena pūjita
Aham pi te namasāmi
Bodhi Rājā namatthu te
Venerating the Bodhi tree
Seated at whose base,
The Teacher overcome all foes.
Attaining omniscience,
Even that bodhi tree do I adore.
Those great trees of Enlightenment,
Reverenced by the Lord of the world.
I too shall salute you,
May there be homage to you, O Royal Bodhi!
Buddha Puja
Ghana sārappa dittena
Dipena tama dhamsinã
Tiloka dipam sambuddham
Pujayami tamo nudam
With lights brightly shinning,
Abolishing this gloom,
I adore the Enlightened One,
Who dispel the darkness (of ignorance).
Vanna gandha gunopetam
Etam kusuma santatim
Pujayāmi munindassa
Siri pāda saroruhe
Pujemi Buddham kusumena nena
Puññena metena ca hotu mokkham
Puppham milāyati yathā idam me
Kāyo tathā yāti vināsa bhāvam
With this bunch of flowers,
Colourful, fragrant, and excellent,
I offer at the sacred lotus like feet,
Of the Lord of sages.
With these flowers I revere the Buddha,
By this merit may I gain liberation,
Just like these flowers must fade,
So will this body undergo decay.
Gandha sambhāra yuttena
Dhupenāham sugadhinā
Pujaye pujaneyyam tam
Pujā bhajana muttamam
With perfumed incense,
Made from finest odorous substance,
I worship the Exalted One, worthy of respect,
I make this offering.
Adhivāsetu no bhante
Paniyam pari kappitam
Anukampam upādāya
Patiganhātu muttamam
Please accept from us, Venerable Lord!
This water that is humbly offered,
Out of compassion for us,
Please receive this, O Supreme One!
Adhivāsetu no bhante
Bhojanam pari kappitam
Anukampam upādāya
Patiganhātu muttamam
O Lord! The Blessed One!
May this food,
Be kindly accepted by you,
Out of great compassion for us.
Adhivāsetu no bhante
Gilāna pacchayam imam
Anukampam upādāya
Patiganhātu muttamam
O Lord! The Blessed One!
May this medicinal drinks,
Be kindly accepted by you,
Out of great compassion for us.
Adhivāsetu no bhante
Panakam pari kappitam
Anukampam upādāya
Patiganhātu muttamam
O Lord! The Blessed One!
May this fruit juice,
Be kindly accepted by you,
Out of great compassion for us.
Rectification of faults
Kāyena vācā cittena
Pamādena mayā katam
Accayam khama me bhante
Bhuri pañña Tathāgata
Kāyena vācā cittena
Pamādena mayā katam
Accayam khama me dhamma
Sanditthika akalika
Kāyena vācā cittena
Pamādena mayā katam
Accayam khama me Sangha
Supatipanna anuttara
Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!
If due to negligence I have done
Some wrong by body, speech, or mind.
Pardon me that offence, Bhante!
Perfect One of vast wisdom.
If due to negligence I have done
Some wrong by body, speech, or mind.
Pardon me that offence, O Dhamma
Visible and immediately effective.
If due to negligence I have done
Some wrong by body, speech, or mind.
Pardon me that offence, O Sangha
Practising well and supreme.
Excellent! Excellent! Excellent!
Respect to mother
Katvana kaye rudhiram,
khiram ya sneha purita,
payetva mam suvaddhesi,
vande tam mama mataram
I adore thee mother, who,
full of affection on me,
fed me with your own blood which turned into milk
and brought me up to this position today.
Respect to father
Dayaya pari punno va,
Janako yo pita mamam;
Posesi vuddhim karesi,
Vande tam pitoram mama.
I adore thee father, who,
full of affection on me,
brought me up to this position today.
Doing everything that you could do for me.
Recollection on the thirty-two parts of the body
Imameva kāyam, uddham pādatalā, adho kesamatthakā, tacapariyantam, pūrannānappakārassa asucino, atthi imasmim kāye: kesā, lomā, nakhā, dantā, taco, mamsam, nahārū, atthī, atthiminjam, vakkam, yakanam, kilomakam, pihakam, papphāsam, antam, antagunam, udariyam, karīsam, pittam, semham, pubbo, lohitam, sedo, medo, assu, vasā, khelo, singhānika, lasikā, muttam. Imameva kāyam, uddham pādatalā, adho kesamatthakā, tacapariyantam, pūrannānappakārassa asucino.
In this very body, from the soles of the feet up, from the crown of the head down, surrounded by skin, full of these various mean impurities, these are in this body: hair of the head, hair of the body, nails, teeth, skin, flesh, sinews, bones, bone marrow, kidneys, heart, liver, membranes, spleen, lungs, large gut, small gut, gorge, dung, bile, phlegm, pus, blood, sweat, fat, tears, skin grease, spittle, snot, oil of the joints, urine. In this very body, from the soles of the feet up, from the crown of the head down, surrounded by skin, full of these various mean impurities. (DN 2)
Life ends in death
Passa cittakatam bimbam, arukāyam samussitam,
Aturam bahusankappam, yassa n’atthi dhuvam thiti.
Parijinnam idam rūpam, roganiddham pabhanguram,
Bhijjati putisandeho, maranantam hi jīvitam.
Yān imāni apatthāni, alāpūneva sārade,
Kāpotakāni atthīni, tāni disvāna kā rati.
Atthīnam nagaram katam, mamsalohitalepanam,
Yattha jarā ca maccū ca, māno makkho ca ohito.
Seeing this beautiful body, a mass of sores, a congeries,
Much considered but miserable, where nothing is stable, nothing persists.
All decrepit is this body, diseases’ nest and frail,
This foul mass is broken up, for life does end in death.
These dove-hued bones scattered in fall,
Like long white gourds, what joy in seeing them?
This city’s made of bones, plastered with flesh and blood,
Within are stored decay and death, besmearing and conceit. (Dhp 147-150)
Narasiha gatha
Cakka varankita ratta supādo --Lakkanu mandita āyata panhī
Camara chatta vibhūsita pādo –Esa hi tuyha pitā narāsīho
Sakya kumāravāro sukhumālo –Lakkhana vitthata punna sariro
Loka hitāya gato narāvīro – Esa hi tuyha pitā narāsīho
Punna sasanka nibho mukha vanno – Deva narana pīyo naranago
Matta gajinda vilāsita gāmi – Esa hi tuyha pitā narāsīho
Khattiya sambhava aggā kulīno – Deva manussa namassita pādo
Sila Samadhi patithita cītto – Esa hi tuyha pitā narāsīho
Ayata tunga susanthita nāso – Gopamukho abhinīla sunetto
Indadhanū abhinila bhamukho -- Esa hi tuyha pitā narāsīho
Vatta sumatta susanthita gīvo – Sihahanu migarāja sarīro
Kancana succhāvi uttama vanno -- Esa hi tuyha pitā narāsīho
Suniddha sugambhira manjusu ghoso – Hingula bandhu suratta sūjivho
Visati vīsati seta sudanto -- Esa hi tuyha pitā narāsīho
Anjana vanna sunīla sukeso – Kancana pātta visuddha lalāto
Osadhi pandara suddhsu unno -- Esa hi tuyha pitā narāsīho
Gacchati nilapathe vīya cando – Taragana parivethita rūpo
Sāvaka majjhagato sāmanīndo -- Esa hi tuyha pitā narāsīho
The stanza of the lion of men
These verses were uttered by Princess Yasodhara to her son, Rahula, on the occasion of the Buddha’s visit to Kapilavatthu after his Enlightenment. She explained some of the physical characteristics and noble virtues of the Blessed One.
His red sacred feet are marked with an excellent wheel;
His long heels are decked with characteristic marks;
His feet are adorned with chowrie (camara) and parasol.
That indeed, is your father, the lion of men.
He is a delicate and noble Sakya Prince;
His body is full of characteristic marks; he is a hero amongst men,
Intent on the welfare of the world.
That indeed, is your father, the lion of men.
Like the full moon is his face, he is dear to gods and men;
He is like an elephant amongst men;
His gait is graceful as that of an elephant of noble breed
That indeed, is your father, the lion of men.
He is of noble lineage, sprung from the warrior caste;
His feet have been honoured by gods and men;
His mind is well established in morality and concentration.
That indeed, is your father, the lion of men.
Long and prominent is his well formed nose,
His eye lashes are like those of a heifer;
His eyes are extremely blue; like a rainbow are his deep blue eyebrows.
That indeed, is your father, the lion of men.
Round and smooth is his well-formed neck;
His jaw is like that of a lion, his body is like that of king of beast;
His beautiful skin is of bright golden colour,
That indeed, is your father, the lion of men.
Soft and deep is his sweet voice;
His tongue is as red as vermillon;
His white teeth are twenty in each row
That indeed, is your father, the lion of men.
Like the colour of collyrium is his deep blue hair;
Like a polished golden plate is his forehead;
As white as the morning star is his beautiful tuft of hair(between the eyebrows)
That indeed, is your father, the lion of men.
Just as the moon surrounded by a multitude of stars, follows the sky path,
Even so goes the monks of the Lord,
Accompanied by his disciples,
That indeed, is your father, the lion of men.
Blessing and Protection
Sabbītiyo vivajjantu
sabbarogo vinassatu
mā me/te bhava tvan tarayo
sukhī dighā yuko bhava
May all misfortune be averted, may all sickness be healed, may no danger befall us, may I/you live long and happily.
Bhavatu sabba mangalam
rakkhantu sabba devatā
sabba Buddhānubhāvena
sadā sotthi bhavantu me/te
May all blessing accrue, may all Buddhas protect. By the glory of all the Buddhas, may security ever be mine/yours.
Bhavatu sabba mangalam
rakkhantu sabba devatā
sabba Dhammānubhāvena
sadā sotthi bhavantu me/te
May all blessing accrue, may all Buddhas protect. By the glory of all the Buddhas, may security ever be mine/yours.
Bhavatu sabba mangalam
rakkhantu sabba devatā
sabba Sanghānubhāvena
sadā sotthi bhavantu me/te
May all blessing accrue, may all Buddhas protect. By the glory of all the Buddhas, may security ever be mine/yours.
Nakkhatta yakkha bhūtānam,
Pāpaggaha nivāranā,
Parittassa nubhāvena
Hantu te/me sam upaddave
By the power of this Paritta (protection),
May I be free from all danger of
Evil planets, yakkhas and demi-gods,
May you/my danger come to naught.
Transference of merit to devas (Deities)
Ākāsatthā ca bhummatthā
Devā nāgā mahiddhikā
Puññam tam anumōditvā
Ciram rakkhantu lōka sāsanam
Ākāsatthā ca bhummatthā
Devā nāgā mahiddhikā
Puññam tam anumōditvā
Ciram rakkhantu desanam
Ākāsatthā ca bhummatthā
Devā nāgā mahiddhikā
Puññam tam anumōditvā
Ciram rakkhantu mam param
Ettāvatā ca amhehi
Sambhatam punna sampadam
Sabbe devā anumodantu
Sabba sampatti siddhiyā
Ettāvatā ca amhehi
Sambhatam punna sampadam
Sabbe bhuta anumodantu
Sabba sampatti siddhiyā
Ettāvatā ca amhehi
Sambhatam punna sampadam
Sabbe satta anumodantu
Sabba sampatti siddhiyā
May mighty deities and nagas
Dwelling in space and on the earth
Rejoice in this merit of ours
And long protect the Buddha’s dispensation
May mighty deities and nagas
Dwelling in space and on the earth
Rejoice in this merit of ours
And long protect the Teaching of Dhamma
May mighty deities and nagas
Dwelling in space and on the earth
Rejoice in this merit of ours
And long protect myself and others
May all devas share this merit,
Which we have thus acquired
May it contribute greatly to their happiness.
May all creatures share this merit,
Which we have thus acquired
May it contribute greatly to their happiness.
May all beings share this merit,
Which we have thus acquired
May it contribute greatly to their happiness.
Transference of merits to departed ones
Idam me ñatinam hotu
Sukhita hontu ñatayo (X3)
Let this merit go to our relatives
May they be happy.
The aspirations
Imina puñña kammena
Māme bāla samāgamo
Satam samāgamo hotu
Yāva nibbãna pattiyā
By the grace of this merit that I have acquired,
May I never follow the foolish.
But only the wise,
up to the time I attain final happiness.
Blessing to the world
Devo vassatu kalena
Sassa sampatti hetu ca
Phito bhavatu loko ca
Rajā bhavatu dhammikā
May rain fall at suitable times,
May the world progress,
And may the world be a happy and peaceful place,
And may the king be righteous.
from the book of "The Holy Buddhist Prayers" by Bhikkhu Dhammavaro.
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