Daily Buddhist Prayers 2
1. Buddha bhāsita gāthā (Buddha’s first word)
Anekajāti samsāram,
Sandhāvissam anibbisam
Gahakārakam gavesanto;
Dukkha jāti punnappunam.
Gahakāraka, dittho’si
Puna geham na kāhasi;
Sabbā te phāsukā bhaggā,
Gahakūtam visankhitam;
Visankhāragatam cittam,
Tanhānam khayam-ajjhagā.
Through many a birth in transmigration,
I ran through, not finding
The builder of the house, searching (for him);
Suffering (was) birth again and again;
O builder of the house, you are seen (now),
You shall not make a house again;
All the ribs are broken,
The ridge pole is destroyed;
The mind is divested of all material things,
The extinction of craving is attained.
2. Paticcasamuppāda (Happening by way of cause or dependent origination)
Avijjāpaccayā sankhārā, sankhārapaccayā viññānam, viññānapaccayā nāmarūpam, nāmarūpapaccayā salāyatanam, salāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā tanhā, tanhāpaccayā upādānam, upādānapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaranam, sokaparidevadukkha domanassa’upāyāsā sambhavanti. Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti.
Avijjāyatveva asesavirāganirodhā sankhāranirodho sankhāranirodhā, viññnananirodho, viññananirodhā, namarūpanirodho, nāmarūpanirodha salāyatananirodho, salāyatananirodhā phassanirodho, phassanirodhā vedanānirodho, vedanānirodha tanhānirodho, tanhānirodhā upādānanirodho, upādānanirodhā bhavanirodho bhavanirodhā jātinirodho, jātinirodhā jarāmaranam, sokaparidevadukkha domanassa’upāyāsā nirūjjhanti. Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhadassa nirodho hoti.
Through ignorance (arises) synergies (or dimly conscious elements), through synergies (arise) cognition (or thinking substance), through cognition (arises) individuality (or mind and body i.e. animated organism), through individuality (arises) the six sense spheres, through the six sense spheres (arise) contact, through contact (arises) feeling, through feeling (arises) craving (or thirst for life), through craving (arises) grasping (or clinging to existence), through grasping (arises) renewed existence, through renewed existence (arises) birth (or rebirth conception), through birth (arises) old age and death, grief, lamentation, sorrow (or bodily suffering), distress and unrest. Thus is the arising of this complete aggregate of suffering.
Through the extinction of ignorance with no residue and dispassion, indeed the extinction of the synergies (happen), through the extinction of the synergies the extinction of cognition (happens), through the extinction of cognition the extinction of individuality (happens), through the extinction of individuality the extinction of six sense spheres (happen), through the extinction of six sense spheres the extinction of contact (happens), through the extinction of contact the extinction of feeling (happens), through the extinction of feeling the extinction of craving (happens), through the extinction of craving the extinction of grasping (happens), through the extinction of grasping the extinction of renewed existence (happens), through the extinction of renewed existence the extinction of birth (happens), through the extinction of birth, old age and death, grief, lamentation, sorrow, distress and unrest become extinct. This is (or happens) the extinction of the complete aggregate of suffering.
3. Pacchima Buddha ovadha patha (Buddha’s last words)
Handadāni bhikhave, āmantayāmi vo:
vayadhammā sankhārā, appamādena sampādetha,
ayam Tathāgatassa pacchima vācā.
Monks! Behold! All formations are subject to decay,
Don’t be slackened, strive on with diligence.
This is the last words of the Crossed-over one.
4. The Lordly Roll of Sacred Names (Twenty-Eight Buddhas)
Tanhankaro mahāviro medhankaro mahāyaso
Saranankaro lokahito dīpankaro jutindharo
Kondannyo jana pāmokkho mangalo purisāsabho
Sumano sumano dhīro revato rativaddhano
Sobhito guna sampanno anomadassī januttamo
Padumo loka pajjoto nārado vara sarathī
Padumuttaro satta sāro sumedho agga puggalo
Sujāto sabba lokaggo piyadassī narāsabho
Atthadassī kāruniko dhamma dassī tamonudo
Siddhattho asamo loke tisso varada samvaro
Phusso varada sambuddho vipassī ca anūpamo
Sikhī sabbahito satthā vessabhū sukhadāyako
Kakusandho sattha vāho konāgamano rananjaho
Kassapo siri sampanno gotamo sakya pungavo
Tesam saccena sīlena khanti metta balena ca
Te pi mam/tvam anurakkhantu ārogyena sukhena cā ti
Etena sacca vajjena sotthi me/te hotu sabbadā
Etena sacca vajjena sabbarogo vinassatu
Etena sacca vajjena hotu me/te jāyamangalam
By the firm determination of this truth, may I/you ever be well
By the firm determination of this truth, may I/you ever be free from illness
By the firm determination of this truth, may joyous victory ever be mine/yours
5. Jayamangalagatha (Stanzas of victory)
1. Bāhum sahassam-abhinimmita sāyudham tam
Girimekhalam udita ghora sasena māram,
Dānadi dhamma vidhinā jitavā munindo
Tam tejasā bhavatu te jaya mangalāni.
With a thousand arms and created weapons,
That (Elephant) Girimekhala with Mara,
Risen fiercely together with his army,
the Lord of Sages won through righteous means of generosity.
By this effort may the auspicious victory be mine.
2. Mārāti rekam abhiyujjhita sabba rattim,
Ghoram panā-lavaka makkha mathaddha yakkham,
Khanti sudanta vidhinā jitavā munindo
Tam tejasā bhavatu te jaya mangalāni.
Worst than Mara was the fierce and obstinate yakkha Alavaka,
Who battled with the Lord throughout the night.
The Lord of Sages won through well trained forbearance.
By this effort may the auspicious victory be mine.
3. Nālāgirim gaja varam ati matta bhūtam
Dāvaggi cakkha masaniva, sudārunantam
Mettam buseka vidhinā jitavā munindo
Tam tejasā bhavatu te jaya mangalāni.
Nalagiri the great elephant, who was highly intoxicated,
Raging like a forest fire and terrible like a thunderbolt.
The Lord of Sages subdued him by sprinkling him with loving kindness.
By this effort may the auspicious victory be mine.
4. Ukkhitta khaggam ati hattha sudārunantam
Dhāvamti yojana pathan’gulimāla vantam
Iddhībhi sankhata mano jitavā munindo
Tam tejasā bhavatu te jaya mangalāni.
Holding up sword in his hand,
That ferocious Angulimala chased the Lord for three leagues.
The Lord of Sages subdued him by his psychic powers.
By this effort may the auspicious victory be mine.
5. Katvāna kattha’mudaram iva gabbhinīyā
Ciñcāya duttha vacanam jana kāya majjhe
Santenā soma vidhinā jitavā munindo
Tam tejasā bhavatu te jaya mangalāni.
Binding her belly with firewood to disguise as advanced pregnancy,
Cinca accused the Lord in the midst of folks.
The Lord of Sages born it with calm and quiet demeanor.
By this effort may the auspicious victory be mine.
6. Saccam vihāya mati saccaka vada ketum
Vāda-bhiropita manam atiandha bhūtam
Paññā padīpa jalito jitavā munindo
Tam tejasā bhavatu te jaya mangalāni.
Saccaka, who abandoning truth was engaged in controversial argument,
His mind was blinded by his own disputation.
The Lord of Sages subdued him with the illumination of wisdom.
By this effort may the auspicious victory be mine.
7. Nando panada bhujagam vibhuddham mahiddhim,
Puttena thera bhujagena damā payanto
Iddhūpadesa vidhinā jitavā munindo
Tam tejasā bhavatu te jaya mangalāni.
The clever and psychic Serpent Nandopananda was tamed,
By the even greater display of psychic power,
And advice of his disciple son Thera Moggallana.
By this effort may the auspicious victory be mine.
8. Duggāha ditthi bhujagena sudattha hattham
Brahmam visuddhi juti middhi bakā bhidhānam,
Ńana gadena vidhinā jitavā munindo
Tam tejasā bhavatu te jaya mangalāni.
The Brahma Baka of clear luster and great psychic power,
His hand was harmed by the naga of wrong view.
The Lord of Sages healed him with the medicine of wisdom.
By this effort may the auspicious victory be mine.
9. Etapi buddha jaya mangala attha gātha,
Yo vācako dina dine sarate matandi,
Hitvāna neka vividhāni c’upaddavāni,
Mokkham sukham adhigameyya naro sapañño
These eight verses of the stanzas of victory of the Buddha,
He who recites them daily with earnest,
Will dispel various misfortunes and dangers,
And attain the bliss of Nibbana.
6. Request for protection against evils
Yan dunnimittam avamangalañca,
Yo camanāpo sakunassa saddo,
Pāpaggaho dussipinam akantam,
Buddhānubhāvena vināsamentu.
Whatever bad omen and inauspiciousness,
Whatever unpleasant sound of birds,
Evil planets, bad dream, unpleasantness,
May they all come to naught through the power of the Buddha.
Yan dunnimittam avamangalañca,
Yo camanāpo sakunassa saddo,
Pāpaggaho dussipinam akantam,
Dhammānubhavena vināsamentu.
Whatever bad omen and inauspiciousness,
Whatever unpleasant sound of birds,
Evil planets, bad dream, unpleasantness,
May they all come to naught through the power of the Dhamma.
Yan dunnimittam avamangalañca,
Yo camanāpo sakunassa saddo,
Pāpaggaho dussipinam akantam,
Sanghānubhavena vināsamentu.
Whatever bad omen and inauspiciousness,
Whatever unpleasant sound of birds,
Evil planets, bad dream, unpleasantness,
May they all come to naught through the power of the Sangha.
7. Wish for auspices
1. Bhavatu sabba mangalam
Rakkhantu sabba devatā,
Sabba Buddhā nubhāvena
Sadā sotthi bhavantu te.
2. Bhavatu sabba mangalam
Rakkhantu sabba devatā,
Sabba Dhammā nubhāvena
Sadā sotthi bhavantu te.
3. Bhavatu sabba mangalam
Rakkhantu sabba devatā,
Sabba Sanghā nubhāvena
Sadā sotthi bhavantu te.
May there be all the auspices,
May all the deities protect you;
By the power of all the Buddhas,
May there be blessing to you.
May there be all the auspices,
May all the deities protect you;
By the power of all the Dhamma,
May there be blessing to you.
May there be all the auspices,
May all the deities protect you;
By the power of all the Sangha,
May there be blessing to you.
8. Request for protection against evils
Nakkhatta yakkha bhūtānam,
Pāpaggaha nivāranā,
Parittassa nubhāvena
Hantva tuiham upaddave (X3)
By the power of this Paritta (protection),
May I be free from all danger of
Evil planets, yakkhas and demi-gods,
May their danger come to naught.
9. Securing the protection
Sabbe Buddhā balappattā
Paccekānañca yam balam,
Arahantānañca tejena,
Rakkham bandhāma sabbaso.
By the protective power of the Buddhas,
Pacceka Buddhas and the Arahants,
May I secure the protection in all aspects.
10. Maha jaya mangala gatha (The stanzas of great victory)
1. Mahākāruniko nātho
hitayā sabba pānīnam
Pūretvā pāram sabbā
patto sambodhi muttamam
Etena sacca vajjena
hotu te jaya mangalam
The Great Lord of mercy for the benefit of all living beings,
Having completed all perfections,
has reached the most noble full enlightenment.
On account of this word of truth, may joyous victory be yours.
2. Jayanto bodhiya mūle
sakyānam nandi vaddhano,
Evam tuihan jayo hotu
jayassu jaya mangalam
Conquering at the foot of the Bodhi tree,
He has increased the joy of the Sakyan,
Thus may there be victory to you,
And may you ever be victorious.
3. Sakkatvā Buddha ratanam
osadham uttamam varam
Hitam deva manussānam
Buddha tejena sotthinā,
Nassantu’paddavā sabbe
dukkhā vūpa samentu te
I revere the Supreme Buddha who offers the best medicine,
He is a benefactor of devas and human beings,
By the blessing power of the Buddha,
May all your misfortune be pacified and sufferings ceased.
4. Sakkatvā Dhamma ratanam
osadham uttamam varam
Parilāhu pasamanam
Dhamma tejena sotthinā,
Nassantu’paddavā sabbe
bhayā vūpa samentu te
I revere the Supreme Dhamma which offers the best medicine,
The alleviator of distress,
By the blessing power of the Dhamma,
May all your misfortune be pacified and fears ceased.
5. Sakkatva Sangha ratanam
osadham uttamam varam
Ahuneyyam pāhuneyyam
Sangha tejena sotthinā,
Nassantu’paddavā sabbe
rogā vūpa samentu te
I revere the Supreme Sangha who offers the best medicine,
Worthy of offerings, worthy of hospitality,
By the blessing power of the Sangha,
May all your misfortune be pacified and maladies ceased.
6. Yam kinci ratanam loke
Vijjati vividhā puthu
Ratanam Buddha samam natthi
Tasmā sotthi bhavantu te
Whatever diverse precious jewels there be in the world,
There is no equal to the jewel of Buddha.
By this truth may you be blessed.
7. Yam kinci ratanam loke
Vijjati vividhā puthu
Ratanam Dhamma samam natthi
Tasmā sotthi bhavantu te
Whatever diverse precious jewels there be in the world,
There is no equal to the jewel of Dhamma.
By this truth may you be blessed.
8. Yam kinci ratanam loke
Vijjati vividhā puthu
Ratanam Sangha samam natthi
Tasmā sotthi bhavantu te
Whatever diverse precious jewels there be in the world,
There is no equal to the jewel of Sangha.
By this truth may you be blessed.
9. Natthi me saranam aññam
Buddho me saranam varam
Etena sacca vajjena
Hotu te jaya mangalam
There is no other refuge, the Buddha is my highest refuge.
On account of this truth, may joyous victory be mine.
10. Natthi me saranam aññam
Dhammo me saranam varam
Etena sacca vajjena
Hotu te jaya mangalam
There is no other refuge, the Dhamma is my highest refuge.
On account of this truth, may joyous victory be mine.
11. Natthi me saranam aññam
Sangho me saranam varam
Etena sacca vajjena
Hotu te jaya mangalam
There is no other refuge, the Sangha is my highest refuge.
On account of this truth, may joyous victory be mine.
12. Sabb’itiyo vivajjantu
Sabba rogo vinassatu
Māte bhavattvan tarāyo
Sukhi dīghayuko bhava
May all misfortune be warded off,
May all ailments cease;
May no calamities befall you,
May you live long in peace.
13. Bhavatu sabba mangalam
Rakkhantu sabba devatā
Sabba Buddhā nubhāvena
Sadā sotthi bhavantu te
May all blessings be upon you, may all the devas protect you,
By the protective power of all the Buddhas,
May the happiness ever be yours.
14. Bhavatu sabba mangalam
Rakkhantu sabba devatā
Sabba Dhammā nubhāvena
Sadā sotthi bhavantu te
May all blessings be upon you, may all the devas protect you,
By the protective power of all the Dhammas,
May the happiness ever be yours.
15. Bhavatu sabba mangalam
Rakkhantu sabba devatā
Sabba Sangha nubhāvena
Sadā sotthi bhavantu te
May all blessings be upon you, may all the devas protect you,
By the protective power of all the Sanghas,
May the happiness ever be yours.
16. Nakkhatta yakkha bhūtānam,
Papaggaha nivāranā,
Parittassā nubhāvena
Hantva tuiham upaddave
By the power of this Paritta (protection),
May I be free from all dangers
Of evil planets, yakkhas and demi-gods,
May their danger come to naught.
from the book of "The Holy Buddhist Prayers" by Bhikkhu Dhammavaro.
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